Dear colleagues and Friends of Kijabe Pathology,
I apologize for the long delay of this issue of the “News” from Kijabe. In reflection, I now know that time really does fly! Let me start this communication with a huge “thank you” to all those who have served thus far in 2016 and are about to serve to this year’s end. Thank you Dr. Garcia and Dr. Pac, Dr Davidson and Dr. Blount, Dr. Web, Dr. Jensen, Drs. Busler, Dr. Jameson, Dr. Flores, Dr. Northcutt, Dr. Jensen, and his wife Mary. With Mari and me serving the month of December we were able to cover 36 weeks of the 52 week year. We had some Summer gaps which I wish were filled, but we were a blessing to Kijabe Hospital! And thank you to Mary Everett and the whole WMM support staff!
Many of you probably know David Shirk. He has done such a beautiful job of communicating what is happening at Kijabe with the rest of the world. He wrote the following piece. I have taken the liberty of highlighting in red the parts that struck me so powerfully, because they resonate with my heart.
What We Need Most
A friend visiting Kijabe for the first time recently asked me, "What do you need?" I know what he meant - do I need a day off, or a new devotional study? I thought for a long while and realized that what I need most is not anything for me, it is for my guest to come to know and love Kijabe as I do. To see the mighty work the Lord is doing, the hope and healing, and brutally hard but unbelievably rewarding work our staff undertakes everyday- to love what I love would be the greatest gift imaginable.
AIC Kijabe has so many reasons to be grateful. We have have resources and infrastructure that are not available at most locations in Africa. Excellent water and power, fantastic staff, experienced leadership, wonderful partner organizations, stable government, a long dreamed-for road that is nearly completed. All rich blessings.
On the other hand, we need so much more - a medical gases plant so we can expand HDU and ICU care, a housing complex so we can provide a beautiful home for trainees and visiting doctors to live together, a well-equipped kitchen, renovated private ward, new maternity HDU, radiography printing machine, portable ultrasound and x-ray machines. . .the list of current projects and needs. And we do need this infrastructure and equipment if we are to reach a goal of providing world-class patient care and make the hospital sustainable as we care for the poor and vulnerable.
Yes, all these needs are vital, but I think they are secondary to our most essential need - people.
As I realized with my friend, we need our visitors, friends, partners, and patients to come, see, and believe in the wonderful things the Lord is doing at AIC Kijabe Hospital. We need an ever-growing group of champions who will pray with us, work with us, and hold us up. It is the relationships forged over the last 101 years - from patients to presidents - that have made AIC Kijabe great. And we know that as we move forward, if our friends stand with us and the Lord's favor is upon us, nothing is impossible.
So thank you, for taking a moment to read, to pray, and to join us in changing the world!
David Shirk, Friends of Kijabe
Mari and I have never left Kijabe without feeling blessed, and wishing… no not wishing but praying that all my friends and acquaintances would have the opportunity to see and experience the Kijabe miracle, the work God is doing in this wonderful niche of the world. We have had some difficult times with staffing the Pathology Lab which I have mentioned in past Kijabe Path News updates. We haven’t been able to staff the lab 52 weeks of the year. And prayers for a permanent long term pathologist have to this date gone unanswered. But I am convinced that God will provide in His time and providential plans. So as you look at the openings of the 2017 schedule “pasted” below, pray fervently and open yourself to joining in with the miracle that is happening in Kijabe.
If God so moves your heart to short term service or long term service, please contact Mary Everett at 828-278-1177 OFFICE | meverett@samaritan.org, or me at 616-283-5793 / marileedm@comcast.net. We would be honored to answer any questions you may have regarding this service experience.