Dear colleagues,

How time flies by! Another year of service to Kijabe Hospital is almost completed, and we are accessing the needs of pathology coverage for 2014. But before we address those needs, I would like to acknowledge and thank Dr. Warren Bannister and his wife Linda for their service in September, and Dr. William (Bill) Diedrich and his wife Mary for their service in this month of November. Bill and Mary are serving for the first time and we all remember our first experiences on the field, the anxiety of the unknown, trying to adjust to the environs of Kijabe, learning the routines of the laboratory, working with personnel new to us, and praying for guidance through some of the many challenging cases and issues that we encounter in our work. All of us, I believe, leave Kijabe changed and enriched by the experience recognizing that we have been blessed by God in so many unexpected ways. Many look forward to returning as Mari and I do each year. It is the best working vacation in the world!
Volunteers needed: Mary Everett has informed me that we have volunteers covering for the months of January, June, August, September, October, November and December, but we need volunteer coverage for the months of February, March, April, May, and July of 2014. Can you help bridge the gaps? Do you know of a colleague who could/would volunteer? Mary Everett can be contacted at or by phone 828-278-1177 for more information, or you could refer an interested person to me ( or 616-283-5793). We have developed an informational trifold (attached) that we could send to you for handing out to colleagues who might be interested as well. Any help would be a real blessing to us as we strive to assure Kijabe Hospital of pathology services. Please pray that workers may be found for the mission experience of a lifetime. Please pray for volunteers to come forth, as well as for those who have served and those currently serving. Your prayers are efficacious.
Year end contributions: Because of your suggestions I have created a project fund number 002585 at Samaritan's Purse for the purpose of supporting Kijabe Pathology in two ways... 1) financial airfare support for pathology residents/fellows interested in working and experiencing the practice of pathology in an international field along side of a serving short term missionary pathologist, 2) low cost items that we often appreciate but find in low supply or in need of replacing, such as the office computer, printer, ink supplies, long 25 gauge needles for FNAs, scissor replacements, etc. Your gifts are tax deductable and receipts will be promptly issued for documentation. An accounting of the use of the funds will be given in the last quarter of 2014. If this would be an interest to you, there are three ways to make a donation:
1) Donation by Mail: make your check out to "World Medical Missions, Kijabe project # 002585" and send it to World Medical Mission, Attention: Mary Everett, P.O. Box 3000, Boone, NC 28607,
2) Online Donation: link , or go to and do the following… a) from the menu across the top hover mouse over “Support”, b) in the second column under “other Opportunities” click on “Support a Physician”, c) type in
Kijabe Pathology and follow prompts. This will get into the Kijabe Project Fund 002585.
3) Donate by Phone: Use your credit card to donate by calling Donor Ministries department at 828-278-1555, Monday–Friday from 8:30 AM–4:30 PM EST. You will need the project code number 002585 available when calling.

Interesting incidentals: 1) Bill sent me this photo of the Bethany Kids Hospital project (second page, left). The walls are rising! Jim Taubitz informs me that the project is moving forward but was delayed by the heavy spring rains and mud slides, making it difficult to get materials to the building site. If you compare the current picture with those in the past issues of "Kijabe Path News" you will see the progress.

2) Kijabe was recognized at the last "Prescription for Renewal" conference at the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove, this past October. Yours truly (pictured right with friends) was privileged to be the recipient of the "2013 Award for Excellence in Medical Missions". Mari and I were blessed to receive the award and at the same time humbled, knowing that we are all members of the body of Christ, coworkers for the Lord. It was an honor to be among so many friends of Kijabe when the award was presented. Blessings are enriched when shared.
Request: I'm seeking a person with knowledge of the early history of the Kijabe pathology service, but as yet I have not had any success with the contacts I have made. If anyone could write a short history of the beginnings of tissue pathology in East Africa and send it to me, I would be blessed. I believe it would be interesting reading for the many of us who currently serve to learn of the pioneers who laid the foundational work that led to Kijabe Medical Center's current pathology service. Let me know by return email if you can help me in my search.
Pray for the current volunteer workers and that the Lord may bless us with more short term pathologists and a long term missionary pathologist. The challenges are great and only exceeded by the rewards.
This is the end of the "News" for 2013. We look forward to see what the Lord will do in 2014.
As always, by His grace,